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We live in a world bound by rules, from the fine print in credit card agreements to regulations that govern the air we breathe, how companies hire and fire people, and sanitation...
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Known colloquially as "hanging a shingle," solo practitioners work for themselves and can build their practices however they see fit. Some have a general practice, while others do just a single area...
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At the center of any deal between two or more parties is a contract that reflects due diligence, negotiation, and people who must work together once the ink is dry. But contracts...
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These lawyers are in the courtroom trying cases before judges and juries. Not all litigators spend a lot of time in the courtroom, but those who do tend to be a special...
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These jobs are not impossible to get, but they're incredibly competitive and require some luck and immense effort. Dream jobs should inspire you, but a backup plan is still a good idea.
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Law school tuition patterns across public and private law schools.
Compare law school tuition to the percentage of graduates who obtain legal jobs.
Compare law school tuition to the percentage of graduates who pass the bar exam on the first try.
How much law school tuition is at each school.
Law school net tuition patterns across public and private law schools. Net tuition is the average price paid by all students each year.
Compare law school net tuition to the percentage of graduates who obtain legal jobs. Net tuition is the average price paid by all students each year.
Compare law school net tuition to the percentage of graduates who pass the bar exam on the first try. Net tuition is the average price paid by all students each year.
How much law school net tuition is at each school. Net tuition is the average price paid by all students each year.
Law school graduates borrow a lot of student loans to attend law school.
Compare law school debt to the percentage of graduates who obtain legal jobs.
Compare law school debt to the percentage of graduates who pass the bar exam on the first try.
How much we expect a law school graduate to owe when the first payment is due if they borrow the full cost of attendance.
How much law school debt the average graduate has at each school.
Total federal investment by the U.S. government in law schools across public, private, and for-profit law schools.
Compare total federal investment by the U.S. government in legal education to the percentage of law school graduates who obtain legal jobs.

155 results
