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As Chief Disciplinary Counsel at the U.S. Virgin Islands Supreme Court, Tanisha Bailey-Roka protects legal consumers and the rule of law. She details her multifaceted role in investigating, evaluating, prosecuting, and adjudicating...
Podcast episode
July 29th, 2024
After being abruptly fired from his first lawyer job, Mike Morse quickly pivoted to start his own solo practice focused exclusively on personal injury cases. He doesn’t practice much law these days...
Podcast episode
July 15th, 2024
Jeremy Pisca is a state lobbyist working out of a law firm in a rural state capital. He discusses the personal and professional angles of relationship development, an especially difficult task in...
Podcast episode
July 8th, 2024
Andrea Tompkins is a capital markets partner at a global law firm based in London. She started her career at a Magic Circle firm (she'll explain that) after earning her J.D. in...
Podcast episode
June 17th, 2024
Jenifer Slinskey manages the University of Pittsburgh's patent portfolio, a role that bridges the gap between academic research and industry commercialization. While this job does not require a law license, her STEM...
Podcast episode
June 10th, 2024
Ludmilla Kasulke, a seasoned lawyer-lobbyist based in Washington, D.C., amplifies the voices of her clients. Her world is one of competing interests, strategic relationships, legal intricacies, and raw politics. She aims to...
Podcast episode
June 3rd, 2024
Many people enter law school or practice with one ambition, only to find it's not quite what they envisioned. For Raffi Melkonian, his initial fascination with corporate law faded quickly while he...
Podcast episode
May 27th, 2024
Sometimes it's a tough transition to law school - so tough you fail out. But what comes next depends on a willingness to reflect and seek support. In this episode, Asha Paulose...
Podcast episode
May 20th, 2024
As a legal engineer at a legal technology company, Donata Stroink-Skillrud uses her knowledge and skills as a lawyer to scale privacy policies -- an essential element of any company's website. She...
Podcast episode
May 13th, 2024
Veronique Richardson, a partner specializing in water rights and economic development at a small firm, serves tribal entities and tribal members exclusively. According to Veronique, "water is life." Not only is it...
Podcast episode
May 6th, 2024
JR Thomas, a client attorney at a community services nonprofit, Birmingham AIDS Outreach (BAO), that provides multifaceted services to individuals living with HIV and AIDS. Beyond healthcare and social work, BAO provides...
Podcast episode
April 29th, 2024
Jenn Russoniello is a family lawyer who started as a social worker disappointed in the system. Jenn highlights the emotional and practical challenges of divorce litigation, which often intertwine personal and legal...
Podcast episode
April 22nd, 2024
People need legal representation, regardless of financial means. Non-profits throughout the country, often called legal aid, play a crucial role in offering civil representation to individuals who lack the means to hire...
Podcast episode
April 1st, 2024
When the opportunity arises, seize it. That's one lesson from Judge Elizabeth Rohl, a trial court judge in a one-judge county who knew it was now or never when the position opened...
Podcast episode
March 25th, 2024
Christian Menefee was elected as Harris County Attorney in 2020 at 32, the youngest ever and the first African-American in this role. Harris County, home of Houston, is such a large county...
Podcast episode
March 18th, 2024
If you've ever been on a casino floor, it's a maze by design. The legal corridors are just as challenging to navigate. In this episode, Ed Winkofsky, a partner at a multinational...
Podcast episode
March 11th, 2024
Jessica Colon manages the legal operations and compliance programs for West Pharmaceutical, a public company doing business in more than 40 countries. While legal ops and compliance are distinct work streams, the...
Podcast episode
February 19th, 2024
Geeta Tholan got a second chance within her legal career after a 10-year break to take care of her children. Her journey highlights the challenges and triumphs of transitioning back into the...
Podcast episode
February 12th, 2024
Pilar Thomas, a partner at a large firm, specializes in tribal energy and economic development. With a background in finance that took her across the United States, she returned home for law...
Podcast episode
February 5th, 2024
Matt Skinner is a public defender with passion. Criminal defense is high-stakes, sometimes chaotic work that can be extremely difficult, but Matt navigates the courts, clients, and his career with genuine sincerity...
Podcast episode
January 29th, 2024

155 results
